Kubera - The King of Yaksha and God of Wealth

Kubera - The King of Yaksha and God of Wealth

, by javed techqart, 9 min reading time

Kubera is often called the Lord of Wealth and the Guardian of the North. He is a revered and prominent figure in Hindu mythology. He is a deity associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Kuberas role transcends material riches; he symbolizes divine blessings and the responsible stewardship of resources.


One of Kuberas primary roles is serving as the Treasurer of the Gods. In this capacity, he is entrusted with managing the wealth of the divine realm. He ensures the gods can access the resources needed to maintain cosmic order and fulfill their roles. Moreover, Kubera is the King of the Yakshas, a class of semi-divine beings often associated with nature spirits, guardians, and protectors.

Kubera holds immense significance in Hindu culture and spirituality. He is revered not only for his association with material wealth but also for the spiritual and ethical lessons his mythology imparts. Kubera teaches the importance of responsible wealth management, charity, and the idea that true prosperity encompasses both material and spiritual well-being. His symbolism extends to various aspects of life, from business and finance to personal growth and ethical conduct.

Kubera Origin 

Kubera parentage is rooted in Hindu mythology. He is the son of Vishrava and the grandson of the sage Pulastya. Vishrava was a respected sage and scholar, and his union with the celestial being Ilavida led to the birth of Kubera. This divine lineage connects Kubera to both the human and divine realms, highlighting his unique position in Hindu mythology.

As the son of Vishrava, Kubera is part of a lineage of great scholars and sages, emphasizing his character's intellectual and spiritual aspects. His connection to Pulastya, one of the revered seven sages or saptarishis, further elevates his status within the divine hierarchy. This lineage not only bestows prestige but also underscores Kubera's wisdom and ethical responsibility in managing wealth.

Kubera has a half-brother named Ravana, a central character in the epic Ramayana. Ravana, known for his ambition and eventual downfall, contrasts Kubera's responsible and righteous stewardship of wealth. This familial connection adds depth to Kubera's character and moral teachings, highlighting the consequences of misusing wealth and power.

Kubera in Hindu Mythology

Kubera's presence is felt across various Hindu epics and scriptures, where he plays a pivotal role as the Lord of Wealth and Guardian of the North:

  • Ramayana

In Valmiki's epic Ramayana, Kubera's wealth is associated with the kingdom of Lanka, ruled by his half-brother Ravana. Ravana's desire for Kubera's wealth serves as a central plot point, leading to the conflict with Lord Rama.

  • Mahabharata

The Mahabharata, another ancient epic, includes references to Kubera. His wealth is often invoked to illustrate the vastness and opulence of the Kaurava and Pandava kingdoms, highlighting the significance of his role as the Treasurer of the Gods.

Kubera's interactions with other deities shed light on his character and significance:

  • Lord Shiva

Kubera once had a prideful encounter with Lord Shiva when he attempted to display his wealth as superior to Kailasa, Shiva's abode. Shiva's humility and detachment lessons reminded Kubera of the importance of responsible use of wealth.

Lord Shiva

  • Ganesha

Kubera is often associated with Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity. He is said to have sought Ganesha's blessings to regain lost wealth, reinforcing that even the Lord of Wealth seeks divine guidance.

  • Lakshmi

While Kubera and Goddess Lakshmi both have associations with wealth, they differ in their approach. Kubera represents material wealth, while Lakshmi embodies spiritual and emotional wealth. Their collaboration illustrates the balance between material prosperity and inner richness.


Kubera's wealth symbolizes several important aspects in Hindu mythology:

  • Dharma  

Kubera's wealth is often considered a reward for his righteous and ethical behavior. It serves as a reminder that wealth, when acquired and managed with integrity, can be a source of spiritual growth and virtue.

  • Responsibility

As the Treasurer of the Gods, Kubera's wealth represents the trust placed in him to manage divine resources wisely. This underscores the importance of responsible stewardship, even in material possessions.

  • Balance

Kubera's riches symbolize that material wealth should be balanced with spiritual pursuits. His association with Lord Shiva emphasizes that wealth if misused or coveted excessively, can lead to spiritual downfall.

Kubera's Realm - Alakapuri

Alakapuri is the fabled capital city of Kubera, known for its extraordinary beauty and luxury. It is described as a celestial city in the Himalayas, hidden from mortal eyes. The city is often depicted as being adorned with precious gems, divine architecture, and glorious gardens.

Alakapuri's opulence and grandeur are legendary. Its streets are said to be paved with gold, and its buildings are made of rare, precious materials. The city is known for its abundance of wealth, making it a symbol of Kubera's prosperity. This imagery serves to reinforce Kubera's role as the Lord of Wealth.

Alakapuri is inhabited by various mythical beings, including the Yakshas and Kinnaras, who are under Kubera's rule. These celestial beings are often portrayed as guardians of treasures and keepers of hidden knowledge. Their presence adds to the mystique of Alakapuri and underscores Kubera's authority as their king and protector of wealth and resources.

How is Kubera Worshipped in Hinduism?

Kubera is worshipped in Hinduism primarily for blessings related to wealth, prosperity, and financial stability. Devotees seek his favor to ensure their economic well-being. Worship of Kubera is often done through rituals, prayers, and offerings, both at home and in temples.

  • Kubera Yantra

Devotees use a Kubera Yantra, a sacred geometric diagram, as a focal point for meditation and worship. This Yantra is believed to enhance financial prosperity.

  • Kubera Mantra

The chanting of Kubera Mantras, such as Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namah, is common during worship. Repeated recitation of these mantras is thought to invoke Kubera's blessings.

  • Offerings

Offerings to Kubera typically include flowers, incense, camphor, and specially prepared dishes. These offerings are placed before his image or Yantra.

  • Charity and Acts of Kindness

As Kubera represents responsible wealth management, devotees are encouraged to engage in acts of charity and generosity. Giving to the less fortunate is a way to attract Kubera's blessings.

While no major festivals are dedicated exclusively to Kubera, his worship is often integrated into other Hindu festivals that celebrate wealth and prosperity. For example:

  • Diwali

During the festival of Diwali, which is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, Kubera is also revered. People light lamps and perform prayers to welcome both deities into their homes, seeking financial abundance and prosperity.

  • Akshaya Tritiya

This auspicious day is highly favorable for initiating new ventures and investing. Devotees worship Kubera and seek his blessings for long-lasting wealth.

As the treasurer of the Gods and the King of Yaksha, Kubera embodies both material wealth and spiritual significance. His character emphasizes responsible wealth management, ethics, and the balanced pursuit of prosperity. Kubera's importance in Hindu mythology and culture is underscored by his association with wealth, divine lineage, and role in various Hindu epics. He continues to be a symbol of financial well-being and ethical conduct.

Kubera's symbolism remains timeless, reminding us that wealth, when acquired and managed with integrity and generosity, can lead to both material and spiritual prosperity. His enduring presence in Hinduism reflects the human aspiration for abundance and ethical wealth management.

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